Dami Sariwana

Vitaliver 90 Capsules | Helps Maintain Healthy Liver Function

Rp 100.000 Rp 125.000

EFFECT AND USAGE : Helps Maintain Healthy Liver Function

DIRECTION FOR USE : • 2 capsules, twice a day, after meal

PACKAGING : • Bottle contains 90 capsules

INGREDIENTS : Each pill contains extract of :

• Curcuma xanthorriza Rhizoma extract (Temulawak)..................................................... 250 mg

• Andrographidis paniculata Herba extract (Green Chiretta Extract).............................. 150 mg

• Centella Asiatica Herba ectract (Gotu Kula)........................................................................... 50 mg

• Hedyotis corymbosa Herba extract (Oldenlandia).................................................................. 50 mg


Each pill contains extract of :

• The main active components of temulawak are xanthorrhizol and curcuminoids as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory & antihypercholesterolemic. Temulawak is able to reduce cholesterol levels, increase appetite, anti-inflammatory, anti-anemia, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial.

• Green Chiretta or Sambiloto herb contains andrographolide which acts as an immunostimulant that can increase the work of the immune system when the immune decrease.

• Gotu Kula is useful for anti-infection, antitoxin, fever reducer, disintegration of bladder stone, sedatives and tonic. It has the effect of anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-fever, anti-diuretic and leratolytic. The antibiotic and anti-inflammatory can be useful as anti-bacterial, hence it is effective to prevent inflammation for body tissue.

ADVANTAGES : • Made from high quality natural ingredients and safe for consumption